Guest blog: SKU Management in Supply Chain Management

You have probably heard about the term SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) before. SKUs are used in every part of business operations. When it comes to supply chain management, the way SKUs are managed greatly impacts order processing, warehouse management, inventory management, data analysis, and much more. To get the most out of these operations, you need to have the right SKU strategies in place.
SKU management is an important part of Marello’s Digital Operations Platform. When our friends at OroCommerce wanted to write a blog about SKU management in supply chain management they asked us to collaborate.
What is in the blog
Get a better understanding of the importance of the SKU in supply chain management and learn how SKU will improve business profitability.
- An in-depth explanation about SKU management
- The importance of SKU’s in order management
- How to use SKU’s in supply chain management
- Working with SKU’s in multiple warehouses
- Getting the most out of SKU analysis
About this Guest blog
Marello and OroCommerce have been working closely together over the past years. As both solutions are built on the OroPlatform, there is a lot of synergy between our platforms.
OroCommerce is a flexible open-source B2B eCommerce platform. OroCommerce can be customized to fit any B2B, B2B2B, B2B2C, or B2B & B2C commerce need.
Head over the blog on the OroCommerce website.
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