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février 22, 2021
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Digital Operations Platforms – Part 3 – Benefits of a DOP

In this three-part blog, we will introduce you to the benefits of a DOP. What challenges does it overcome, and why is it a future-proof solution for your business? In part three, we will discuss how a DOP can benefit your business.
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Read part one and part one and two of this blog series. 

What are the Benefits of a DOP?

A Digital Operations Platform allows merchants to manage back-office operations by unifying them into a single view. It gives your business what it needs most: a flexible solution in which operations are easy to manage, in which your employees can work together, and which – most importantly – allows for great customer experiences.

Unifying Operations in a Digital Operations Platform

The key goal of a DOP is to unify processes that are needed to optimize backoffice operations. A DOP integrates with key elements in your omnichannel strategy, such as sales channels and warehouses. It receives and sends out data about orders, inventory, customers, fulfillment, and much more.

Marello portrayed as a DOP

Unified data can then be used to manage key operations such as:

  • Order Management
  • Inventory Visibility
  • Smart Order Routing
  • Customer Management
  • Procurement
  • Replenishment
  • Buy Online Pick-up In-Store

…and much more, all from a single platform.

A Central Platform for all Teams

A DOP gives your teams one unified space to handle the operations they are responsible for. For example:

  • your sales team will be able to manage sales from multiple channels, both online and offline
  • your warehouse managers will be able to follow and manage each inventory mutation
  • and your customer service team will have insights into information such as order statuses and previous communications.

An Optimal Customer Experience

As said, customers expect an easy seamless experience, no matter the channel they use to buy their products. A good DOP will be key to optimizing your customer experience. It will enable you to offer all the services they are looking for (as mentioned above). This will help you form better relationships with your customers and give them all they expect from a modern-day omnichannel commerce business.

Customer management shown by a customer surrounded by ecommerce icons

Flexible, Scalable, Future Proof

Even though a DOP will help you to centralize business processes, it will never replace all systems within your company. Nonetheless, it does structure organizational cohesion. DOPs are designed to move with the pace of modern businesses, due to their flexible and scalable architecture. Unlike legacy systems, DOPs allow for easily scaling by adding new channels, incorporating new third party software, and changing backoffice strategies if needed.

a DOP schemeHow to experience the Benefits of a DOP?

There are businesses in all shapes and sizes, and each business has different strategies in place. However, no matter the type of business, (e)commerce businesses can hugely benefit from working with a DOP. Whether it’s about unifying many omnichannel back-office processes at once or handle core processes only, a Digital Operations Platform will bring new opportunities and stimulate growth.

About Marello

Marello is a digital operations platform for B2C and B2B commerce. It offers a flexible solution that allows you to sell on any channel while unifying your back-office operations. With Marello, (e)commerce businesses extend their capabilities with comprehensive Order Management, Inventory Management, Product Management, and more.

If you’d like to know more, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d be happy to take a look at how a DOP will benefit your business.

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