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juillet 6, 2022
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Marello 4: Release Notes

Marello 4.0 is here! Here's what's new in the Community Edition and the Enterprise Edition.

Marello 4.0 Community Edition Release

New Features

  • Implemented order allocations
  • Implemented Healthcheck monitor based on integration statuses

List of fixed issues and improvements

  • Changed custom notifications to Oro Email models
  • Escape code from excluded characters except « _ » and « -« , created generic validator based on OroCommerce’s Sku Regex for supplier, warehouse and sales channel
  • Fixed MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS on currency number formatter of order statistics
  • Fixed issue with Invoice Logo not being rendered on invoice / creditmemo
  • Fixed image on Datagrid not rendering on product grid

Technology upgrades

  • Updated Oro Platform to 5.0.0
  • Minimally required PHP version has been raised to 8.1.x
  • Required NodeJS version upgraded to >=16 or < 17
  • Symfony version upgrade to 5.4.x
  • Minimally required MPDF version has been raised to 8.0

Marello 4.0 Enterprise Edition Release

New Features

  • Implemented order allocations
  • Implemented full support for order consolidation
  • Implemented Healthcheck monitor based on integration statuses

Fixed issues and improvements

  • Changed custom notifications to Oro Email models
  • Escape code from excluded characters except « _ » and « -« , created generic validator based on OroCommerce’s Sku Regex for supplier, warehouse and sales channel
  • Fixed MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS on currency number formatter of order statistics
  • Fixed issue with Invoice Logo not being rendered on invoice / creditmemo
  • Fixed image on datagrid not rendering on product grid

Technology Upgrades

  • Updated Oro Platform to 5.0.0
  • Minimally required PHP version has been raised to 8.1.x
  • Required NodeJS version upgraded to >=16 or < 17
  • Symfony version upgrade to 5.4.x
  • Minimally required MPDF version has been raised to 8.0

Update September 6th 2022 – Marello 4.0.1

Marello 4.0.1 CE Release – List of fixed issues and improvements

  • Show warehouse name on purchase order view page
  • Added webp image format as new format
  • Remove integration details from integration dashboard widget
  • Fixed Purchase order creation being done in the allocation workflow
  • Fixed issue with random multiple product allocation 
  • Fixed double inventory update on Order on Demand products
  • Fixed balanced inventory calculation
  • Fixed issue with Email not showing on activity list
  • Fixed issue with schema update when adding attributes

Marello 4.0.1 EE Release – List of fixed issues and improvements

  • Remove integration details from dashboard widget
  • Revert exclusion of external warehouse type and disable warehouse type
  • Fixed Purchase order creation being done in the allocation workflow
  • Fixed issue with multiple product allocationFix double inventory update on Order on Demand products
  • Fixed balanced inventory calculation
  • Show warehouse name on purchase order view page
  • Added webp image format by default
  • Fixed issue with Email not showing on activity list
  • Fixed Purchase order creation being done in the allocation workflow


Want to learn more about Marello 4? Read our latest blogpost.

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