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octobre 19, 2017
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4 Benefits of Choosing an Open-Source ERP

For many companies, looking for an ERP solution means looking at many possibilities. They come across many choices such as what vendor to choose, what software to look at and whether or not to choose for Open-Source ERP software.  In this article, we will help to make that last choice a bit easier by showing 4 benefits of open-source software.

What is Open-Source Software?

Open-Source software is accessible for anyone to inspect, modify and enhance. Simply put, this means that developers can access the source code and improve it, add new features or fix parts that do not work correctly. This gives companies a greater level of flexibility and security than traditional software does. As an ERP solution is one of the most important systems that businesses need, how can they benefit from using Open-Source software?

Benefit #1 Make it Your Own

Using Open-Source software means that you actually own the software. As you are not under a strict license, you can customize the software and make it your own. Its flexibility means you can add new features, integrate with other software and customize settings. However, it is recommended to start by finding an open-source ERP with features that fit your company as making vast changes can be a lot of work. That way you will have a great foundation to start with and to build upon. In this light, make sure there is sufficient development support from the Open-Source’s vendor or its partners. They will help you out in adapting the software, and can give you great advice!

Benefit #2 Be Cost-Effective

Most open-source ERP systems (including Marello) can be downloaded for free. This means you can first try and evaluate the ERP before taking any further steps. You may implement and start using the system first before investing into a full implementation project. In case of Marello, this means you can first try the Community Edition on a smaller scale, before investing into the Enterprise Edition.

Benefit #3 An Open-Source ERP Community

Open-Source ERP software is supported by a vast community of developers worldwide. This means you will always have a support team ready to answer your questions. Additionally, updates to the software are thoroughly checked before going live and bugs are often quickly fixed. It is easy to get in touch with the community as there are user groups on the internet as well as on other initiatives, such as our community slack channel.

Benefit #4 Keep up the Pace

In Open-Source ERP software, developers use the most current tools. There is little chance that your ERP will use out-dated software, with limitations hidden deep within. As developers (at the vendor as well as the community side) keep on working on the software, updates are often made. In that way, the software grows with the dynamics of the online era. This also means that your open-source ERP is usually immediately ready to be implemented into your online sales connections. Many Open-Source solutions use the same operating systems, making using multiple Open-Source solutions appealing to many businesses.


These are just four of the many benefits of using an Open-Source ERP. Yet these reasons alone should be enough for business to at least consider Open-Source software. Want to experience the benefits yourself? Be sure to be in touch, we would be happy to provide you with a live demo and answer any questions!

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